Find out what you stand to gain by investing in mutual funds

The mutual fund is a collective investment vehicle that offers six key advantages over direct investments in shares, bonds, and money market products.

Diversification and risk minimization

The size of mutual funds and the fact that they are professionally managed allow for investments in a variety of financial instruments (stocks, bonds, derivatives etc.) across a multitude of markets, thus minimizing the risks involved in individual securities (company risk) or individual markets (systemic risk).
The volatility (risk) of your portfolio is reduced
Stable returns are achieved in the long run
of maximum differentiation

Years in investment management
Certified professional managers

They allow you to take advantage of a professional, specialized and experienced team of investment managers

Mutual funds are managed exclusively by certified professional managers that possess certified training and technical tools essential for constantly monitoring financial trends and markets in order to make sound investment decisions.
Daily market analysis
Research for each security
Selection of shares or bonds using scientific methods
Selection of the investment time - liquidation of specific shares or bonds

Ensuring economies of scale

As multiple investors participate in mutual funds, even with small investments, these funds can accumulate significant wealth, enabling access to lower costs and broader investment opportunities than those accessible to each investor individually.
Strong bargaining capacity
Low transaction costs
Economies of scale for the shareholders' benefit

Access to markets with 2500€
350+ Mutual Funds in 5 different investment categories & 6 different geographies

They offer access to markets that would otherwise be inaccessible to a private investor

The large number and the variety of Mutual Funds allow you to take full advantage of the opportunities that arise in different markets, sectors, and within different types of financial instruments at once. They enable the creation of effective portfolios in terms of profitability and risk management.
Shareholders have access to their money at any time
Simple processes

Ensuring "Institutional Security" as the Mutual Funds are subject to strict regulations and continuous supervision

Mutual funds are required by law to disclose the net price of their share daily, and these prices are also available on the management companies’ websites. Every quarter, the Hellenic Capital Market Commission publishes mutual fund investment charts, and every six months, the Hellenic Capital Market Commission publishes semi-annual and annual mutual fund reports. Therefore, you are informed about the value of your Mutual Funds investment daily, and you have a complete report of your Mutual Funds portfolio at least quarterly. In addition, the mutual fund provider sends you precise information about the value of your investment every three months.
Continuous supervision of AEDAK by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission based on the 7 basic principles of the Code of Ethics of Institutional Investors
Operating Regulations of the Fund
Access to secure custodian bank
Daily press releases regarding mutual fund prices
Summary newsletters
Periodic Reports/Accounts
Quarterly Statements to Shareholders
Informative statement of daily movements and changes in your investments
Daily Valuation
Quarterly Reports
Quarterly Statement to the client
Daily Statement of customer transactions

Zero Capital Gains Tax
Zero Solidarity Contribution

Tax Benefits

Under current law, mutual funds are taxed on their total assets. As a result, capital gains and dividends (if distributed) are not subject to additional income tax.
The law of the joint account applies, the shares are inherited tax-free to the co-beneficiaries of the joint account
Certificate of Goodwill for tax use
Possibility to take a loan by pledging mutual funds

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